Celebrating Three Years of SCALE: Key Takeaways from the General Assembly

The SCALE project held its 3rd General Meeting on the 26th and 27th of June 2024 in Baillargues (France) on Microphyt’s premises. This event was the opportunity for all project partners to observe the plant construction advancements and to exchange on the project’s progress to prepare the next steps. To know more about it, check the content below!


Gathering for Progress :  From Plant Tours to Strategic Discussions

The gathering in Montpellier, hosted by the project coordinator Microphyt, was an important moment for all partners involved in the SCALE project.

The first day was dedicated to a site visit in Baillargues, where partners were able to witness firsthand the impressive advancements in the construction of the plant. The day concluded with a dinner in the city center, fostering passionate discussions and strengthening collaborations.

On the second day, the focus shifted to reviewing the different work packages. The partners collaboratively assessed the progress of various planned activities, essential for the development of new products targeted at the food, food supplements, feed, and cosmetics sectors. This session also emphasized ensuring quality, safety, and sustainability assessments. Additionally, the event featured the beginning of filming for the second official project video, highlighting the entire value chain of SCALE.

Notably, the event welcomed representatives from the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), including Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore, the Executive Director, Albert Sánchez Carmona, the Digital Communication Officer, and Pilar Llorente Ruiz de Azua, the Project Officer for SCALE. Their participation underscored the importance of this project and the ongoing support from CBE JU.

To learn more about this event and get a glimpse of the plant, be sure to watch our short aftermovie that captures the highlights and offers a visual tour of the experience.


Scaling Up: Milestones Achieved in Plant Development

Microphyt is currently navigating a critical phase focused on optimizing productivity at its new Baillargues plant. The project has already made significant strides, demonstrating a strong commitment to innovation, efficient production processes, and the successful, timely launch of several new ingredients. Over the past few months, the plant has achieved its highest levels of biomass productivity, a clear indicator that the operation is progressing as planned. The ramp-up phase is actively underway. These promising developments underscore the project’s dedication to achieving large-scale production with an emphasis on reliability and sustainability, setting a solid foundation for future growth and success.


Breakthrough Ingredients: SCALE Project’s Latest Innovations

The SCALE project has achieved significant milestones in ingredient development. Notably, clinical studies conducted on Brainphyt™ and PhaeOptim™, in the nutraceutical sector, have yielded positive results, with performance metrics successfully demonstrated by a U.S. university. Furthermore, two new ingredients have been launched in the cosmetics market. These launches highlight the project’s potential to introduce cutting-edge ingredients with unique features, with more innovations expected in the near future.


Explore the unique properties of our three newly launched ingredients:

  • PhaeOptim: In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial focused on women, PhaeOptim™ has shown to enhance exercise capacity, improve cardiovascular health, and preserve bone health with a daily intake of just 220 mg.
  • DunaPure: Inspired by the adaptive mechanisms of the green microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta, Microphyt has developed DunaPure™. This ingredient leverages the microalgae’s protective and regenerative molecules, including lutein and phycosterols, to purify pores and reduce redness and blemishes.
  • Luteana Scalp: Drawing on the properties of the marine microalgae Tisochyrisis lutea, Luteana™ scalp was developed. This bioactive ingredient targets structural and biochemical imbalances in the scalp, utilizing DHA and fucoxanthin to address issues such as dry dandruff and promote a healthy scalp.


Collaboration in Action: Progress from SCALE’s Industry Partners

The progress of the SCALE project is further evidenced by the achievements of its application partners in the project’s four application fields : Cosmetics, Feed, Food and Food complements

Chanel‘s research and development division has been diligently working on conducting efficacy and safety tests for the ingredients involved in the project. A significant aspect of their efforts is ensuring that all ingredients meet stringent regulatory compliance standards

Hedelab has been focused on assessing the compatibility of various ingredients with different galenic forms, from laboratory scale up to industrial scale through pilot batches. Their work involves exploring how different ingredients interact with these forms, ensuring stability and effectiveness across five types of microalgae.

Lallemand is conducting a cohort study on dogs, in collaboration with the veterinary school in Toulouse. In addition, Lallemand has been testing co-products, including trials on shrimp, which have shown promising results and larvae feed.

LYFE Institute has continued to build on the market study completed last year. Currently, they are developing innovative recipes using BrainPhyt™. A detailed sensory profile of this microalgae has been established, and two chefs are actively working on crafting new recipes that incorporate its unique properties.


The SCALE project’s 3rd General Meeting was a significant event that showcased the collaborative efforts of all partners, the advancements in plant construction, and the innovative developments in ingredients. As the project continues to move forward, it remains on track to achieve its ambitious goals, setting new standards in the bio-based industry.


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